Thanks folks for your thoughts and suggestions. Please keep in mind that you need to be emailing Erin directly since she is not on our listserv.
Robin Gabriel

Here is her original message to museum-l:

Apr 23 (1 day ago)

Our historical society has an 1880s historic log cabin on site that is in need of some repair.  An Eagle Scout candidate is going to rechink/daub the cabin for his project this summer. We have settled on a daub "recipe" to use (portland cement, sand, and lime) but are having a hard time finding a VOLUNTEER to direct and train the scouts HOW to mix and apply the daubing mixture.  It is not in the project budget to pay a professional to oversee the project.  My questions:

Does anyone have any good, detailed instructions on how to chink/daub a historic log cabin (logs are rectangular)?
Are there any good videos you could share that illustrate the process?
Does anyone know of any individuals with experience in this area that live in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area?

Thank you to anyone who might be able to help on this one!

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