Just reviewing old e-mail... I find it difficult to call someone who doesn't know how to write a proper letter "well educated."  If it isn't being taught in schools, that's a shame.  But as you say, you could Google it.
David Haberstich

-----Original Message-----
From: Callie Stewart <[log in to unmask]>
To: MUSEUM-L <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tue, Apr 17, 2012 1:08 pm
Subject: Re: Is a love of history enough for interns?

Absolutely not!!!  I am currently in the process of hiring a summer intern and I expect them to already have relevant experience and a degree.  I am more lenient with volunteer interns, but I still expect them to earn their keep and "loving history" is not part of the job description.  I learned the hard way that accepting anyone who walks through the door with a "love of art" can end up being a disaster and a waste of everyone's time.  That being said, I think that basic intelligence and common sense can be a lot more valuable then specific skills.  If you have an intern who can learn to do A,B and C quickly and has good research skills, they can be a lot more useful then one who already knows X,Y and Z, but can't problem solve or think on their feet.  

Honestly, I don't care if they stay in the profession or not.  Who knows where they're going to end up in life.  I wish them all the best, but their life is not my business or my concern.  Perhaps your experience will inspire them to become your future big donor.  As long as they are satisfied with the experience and the museum gets something useful out of their time, then everybody wins!

What has shocked me is how few applicants (some of them very good and well educated) know how to format a cover letter.  It's not hard to Google these things.  Why does no one know where to put the date? Or that you are supposed to actually *sign* your name???

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Fox, Amy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Frustrating as it is to devote scarce time and energy to supervising interns who love history but don't plan to stay in the museum field, you might think of it as an investment in future audiences, museum members, board members, and supporters. Easy for me to say, since it's not my investment of time, but I've known some interns through the years who didn't become museum professionals but are fine citizens, nevertheless, and have a good understanding of our field. Ultimately you're weighing the short-term benefit of an intern with the long-term benefits, which you may not reap. But that's true if they go into the museum profession, too.

[log in to unmask]

Amy Killpatrick Fox
Museum Educator
Bureau of Historic Sites & Museums, PHMC
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North St.
Harrisburg, PA  17120
Website:  www.patrailsofhistory.com
Blog: Trailheads--http://patrailheads.blogspot.com

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