Nan -

You should consult a paintings conservator for the ballpark settings for x-radiography of paintings - you should contact other museums with Cassat's in their collections. Medical X-rays use low Kv and high Ma settings with very short exposure times for looking at human tissues. Industrial radiography is almost the opposite with high Kv settings, low Ma settings, and longer exposure times.

There are also other sources used in radiography that may be better than using a standard x-ray tube system.

You will have to bracket several exposures to get the best results.


David Harvey
Senior Conservator and Museum Consultant

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Curtis, Nan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

We have in our collection a Cassatt painting with a significant pentimento.


I would like to have the painting x-rayed, but am of course on a limited budget.  However, I have access to Texas A&M University academic and lab resources.


Am looking for guidelines/suggestions for having a painting x-rayed.


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Nan Curtis

Director, Forsyth Center Galleries

110 N. Main

Bryan, TX  77803

979 845 9251


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