Dear Colleagues -
This year's North Carolina Preservation Consortium (NCPC) annual conference will address the issues of cultural respect.  Objects of material culture often hold intangible values for the community of origin.  Do collection institution leaders honor these values with policies of respect and community collaboration?  Some artifacts may not be intended for use or view by the public.  Do collection institution caretakers place restrictions on access and exhibition?  Some communities may wish to use artifacts in traditional ceremonies and rituals.  Do collection institution stewards approve such requests?  Some communities believe their cultural objects should deteriorate naturally.  Do preservation and conservation professionals permit this to happen?  We often profess to champion diversity in our collections.  Do we respect multicultural perspectives on the preservation and conservation of heritage collections?  Is there a moral imperative to preserve and conserve books, manuscripts, documents, photographs, film, sound recordings, art, and artifacts?  Please join us for presentations and discussions on these and other issues of cultural respect and heritage preservation.

 This conference is being held at the Friday Center at UNC Chapel Hill on November 20, 2008. Details and registration may be found at
Thank you,

- Anne

Anne T. Lane

Collections Manager

704.568.1774 x110 phone

704.566.1817 fax

[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The Charlotte Museum of History and Hezekiah Alexander Homesite

Where  History Has a Home

3500 Shamrock Drive

Charlotte, NC  28215-3214<>

Featured Exhibits:
Charlotte Stories: Our Collections, Your Treasures
Charlotte Neighborhoods: Center City
An Invitation to the White House

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