I am  preparing an exhibition featuring a collection of black and white 
3.25" by 4" lantern slides taken from the 1919-1940's. Several of these 
are hand tinted by the creator. Most of the images will be enlarged and 
shown as graphic panels, but I think there is great value in also 
showing a selection of the original slides.

I have two questions:

1) Has anyone come up with a clever low tech way of displaying the 
lantern slides so the image is visible (creating a light box is beyond 
budget right now)

2) can someone point me to a conservation guide for lantern slides, 
specifically the effect of light on the image and a recommendation on 
how long to display them? How does hand tinting react to light? The 
cases have LED lighting which can be dimmed, and I am looking for a safe 
foot candle and daily/cumulative time exposure guideline

Many thanks.


Kevin P. Schlesier
Exhibits and Outreach Librarian
Special Collections Research Center 
North Carolina State University Libraries 
2205 Hillsborough Street 
Campus Box 7111 
Raleigh, NC 27695-7111 

919-513-8087 (phone) 
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