
If the purpose of extending the number of membership cards to the larger museums is to increase their participation in the activities of ICOM, I would ask the question if this is actually a realistic way to do it.  I have had some discussions with directors of major institutions who feel that their participation in ICOM is more in a charitable mode than one that contributes to their institution.  Extending the number of cards would reward this attitude, but I don't think it is in the best interests of ICOM.

What else can ICOM do to attract, and potentially enrich, the larger museums, as institutions?  Many individual ICOM members come out of those institutions, so individual development (and its effect on their employer) is obvious, but what do those institutions need or want that ICOM can provide?  I think that is worth considering as well.

Sandra Lorimer
Museum consultant
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gedson 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:58 AM
  Subject: Membership cards Discussion

  ICOM Colleagues:
  I have been asked to discuss the option of granting additional membership
  cards to larger institutional members. The number of cards could be based on
  the number of employees at the member institution. As you may be aware,
  institutional members currently receive three cards. The exception to this
  limitation is ICOM Germany where the Executive Council decided to experiment
  with providing additional cards for larger museums. The experiment was to
  determine whether the extra card incentive would attract additional
  institutional members and not reduce individual memberships. Responses to
  date have confirmed that both these presumptions are true. There has been a
  substantial increase in institutional members and no reduction in individual
  members. In fact, individual membership continues to increase.
  The value of providing additional cards for institutional members based on
  the number of employees, at least in this one experimental case, is
  positive. However, the question remains, should this become an inclusive
  practice for ICOM? 
  I am to report to the Executive Council on this matter at the next meeting
  and would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
  Gary Edson, Member
  ICOM Executive Council
  Museum of Texas Tech University

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