Apreciados colegas de ICOM, me parece que es una discusión válida y si el experimento con los museos alemanes funcionó, podría pensarse que ésto también sea positivo para otros países. Sabemos que en latinoamérica es difícil convencer a los museos a afiliarse de tal manera que puede ser estimulante ofrecer un mayor número de carnets para los afiliados institucionales dependiendo del tamaño del museo comenzando por adicionar, al menos, 1 carnet más para los pequeños museos pues hay un asunto adicional a tener en cuenta: muchos museos forman parte de alguna institución mayor (la institución rectora) Generalmente, por lo menos 2 carnets quedan para el manejo de la institución rectora y al museo le queda sólo 1. A los museos, esta situación no les resulta tan atractiva. Señor Gary Edson, gracias por su preocupación y su trabajo por los museos e ICOM. Un saludo cordial

Adelaida Espinoza Mella
Presidente ICOM Colombia

-----Mensaje original-----
De: International Council of Museums Discussion List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]En nombre de gedson
Enviado el: Martes, 12 de Julio de 2005 09:58 a.m.
Para: [log in to unmask]
Asunto: Membership cards Discussion


ICOM Colleagues:
I have been asked to discuss the option of granting additional membership
cards to larger institutional members. The number of cards could be based on
the number of employees at the member institution. As you may be aware,
institutional members currently receive three cards. The exception to this
limitation is ICOM Germany where the Executive Council decided to experiment
with providing additional cards for larger museums. The experiment was to
determine whether the extra card incentive would attract additional
institutional members and not reduce individual memberships. Responses to
date have confirmed that both these presumptions are true. There has been a
substantial increase in institutional members and no reduction in individual
members. In fact, individual membership continues to increase.
The value of providing additional cards for institutional members based on
the number of employees, at least in this one experimental case, is
positive. However, the question remains, should this become an inclusive
practice for ICOM? 
I am to report to the Executive Council on this matter at the next meeting
and would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Gary Edson, Member
ICOM Executive Council
Museum of Texas Tech University

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