Dear Museum-L members

I have just read the e-mail that Chris Hastings sent on the 15/05/2005 
regarding the Parthenon Marbles and I am frankly infuriated by those 
revelations. If the mentioned incidents are facts I can only feel fury and 
sadness for the future of such world heritage.

Such "Museum Professionals" should disguise their deeply ignorant and 
nationalistic attitudes behind the security of their institution -The 
British Museum- and avoid in the future statements such as: "This is a 
creative and living achievement of the Enlightenment. The
Parthenon, on the other hand, is a ruin that can never now be restored." or 
: "There is no evidence that the
early 19th-century Greeks actually had any real sense of the archaeological
or artistic importance of the sculptures." It is scary knowing that people 
in such vital positions can act with so much arrogance and indifference to 
the past/present history and desires of a whole nation.

Enough with the same old story that if the British Museum returns the 
Parthenon Marbles there will be an issue of repatriation from other 
countries as well!!! Greece has generously filled the collection of 
hundred's British or not Museums with ancient Greek artefacts and this is an 
undeniable truth. When refering to the Perthenon Marbles though we are 
refering to a UNIQUE piece of art work that was conceptualised, designed and 
made for the Greeks.It is a landmark and symbol of a whole civilisation.The 
Greek nation has started stabilising its political and financial situation 
only the last 40 years and therefore could thank in that sense the British 
for looking after the Marbles -eventhough with those recent revelations they 
heve not done their best after all.It is though their very duty to return 
something that was obviously stolen -during the Othomanic occupation-if 
their best interest is the preservation of the World Heritage, as they 

At this point I wonder whether it has to do anymore with any of the above 
"sincere" excuses or whether it is all about the visitor numbers going 
through the door of the British Museum and the prestige that the Parthenon 
Marbles offer to the collection of the Museum.

I am convinced that Pathenon Marbles will return where they belong sooner or 
later , but it is worthwhile taking into consideration such revelations and 
statements by "respectable" citizens such as Sir John's Boyd and Chris's 
Smith and condemn them for the sake of World Culture and Heritage.


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