I work at a small local history museum. Our education program suits 3rd
through 5th grade curriculum. We don't get a lot of school groups, but when
we do, they are often really large classes that I can't handle alone. It's
difficult to find a volunteer that is willing to come here on such a
sporadic, infrequent basis. Most of our volunteers have day jobs or other
volunteer projects that they work on regularly. I started thinking about
possible ways a docent sharing program could work. If one organization was
the center for the docents, other organizations could list special
programs/needs for certain times that volunteers could sign up for. I was
wondering if anyone out there has tried collaborating with other small
museums on a docent sharing project. If so, could you describe some of the
pros, cons, etc. Thanks!

Erin Gerrity
Visitors Services
Portland Museum
2308 Portland Avenue
Louisville, KY  40212
502 776-7678

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