I'm posting this for a colleague. Please send inquiries or applications
directly to Jim Hakala. Thanks!

The Museum Education Roundtable in collaboration with the Education
Committee (EdCom) and the Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation
(CARE) of the American Association of Museums is still accepting
applications for the 2005 EdCom/MER/CARE Marketplace of Ideas held at
the 2005 AAM Annual Meeting. 

Monday, May 2, 2005, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Indiana Convention
Center, Indianapolis, IN. 

"Museums at the Crossroads: Current Trends in Museum Education and
Visitor Studies."

This marketplace will feature the related areas of museum education,
evaluation, and audience research, specifically: learning in museum
environments, programming dealing with community or contemporary issues,
programming beyond the walls of the museum, innovative museum/community
partnerships, using technology to reach new audiences, museum exhibition
and program evaluation projects, and audience market research. Delegates
will have the opportunity to talk one-on-one with museum educators,
evaluators, and audience researchers to learn about the research
questions, evaluation methods, and educational approaches that can help
exhibitions and programs better meet visitor and institutional needs.
Each sponsoring organization will feature a "Meet the Board" table where
participants can meet and talk with Board members. 

Sponsored by the AAM Committees on Education (EdCom) and Audience
Research and Evaluation (CARE), and the Museum Education Roundtable

For more information or an application form, please contact Jim Hakala,
Chair (MER), 2005 Marketplace of Ideas.

Jim S. H. Hakala
Education Coordinator
CU Museum
University of Colorado
UCB 218
Boulder, CO 80309
PHONE: 303-492-4843/FAX: 303-492-4195
[log in to unmask]

2004 Marketplace of Ideas Application - Co-hosted by MER, EdCom, and

Mail, fax or email this form by Feb. 1, 2005 to: Jim S. H. Hakala,
Education Coordinator, CU Museum, University of Colorado, UCB 218,
Boulder, CO 80309    Email: [log in to unmask]       FAX (303)

Contact person/Title:
Office Phone:
Home phone:
Choose one category for placement of your exhibit description in the
Marketplace booklet:
___ Museum-School Programs 			___ Family Programs
___ Programs for Educators 			___ Youth Programs
___ Programs for General Visitors 		___ Adult Programs
___ Publications that Teach 			___ Community Outreach

Exhibit Title:

How does your exhibit tie in with the Marketplace theme "Museums at the
Crossroads: Current Trends in Museum Education and Visitor Studies"?

Exhibit description for the marketplace booklet: (Note: Only edited,
ready-to print descriptions will be accepted. Please limit your
description to 75 words or less.)

Set-up Requirements: Because audio-visual equipment is expensive to
rent, please select only what you really need! Be aware that you may
have to share audio-visual equipment with another presenter.
____ a 6-foot table, or ____an 8-foot table (Choose one, please) 
____ VHS tape VCR with color TV monitor 
____ Chair(s) (how many?) 
____ Tabletop slide projector 
____ Bulletin board 
____ Audio cassette player 
____ ONE-DAY PASS (one per institution, for those not attending the full
meeting-there are a limited number of passes available on a first-come,
first-served basis)

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If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).