Hi All!

Ultimately, the validity of this find is a matter of faith, no?

There are no known DNA samples from the family in question - Mary,
Joseph, Jesus or James.  Additionally, consider that other archeological
finds that supposedly relate to the life and times of Jesus - and other
biblical personages - have been questioned from the moment of discovery,
or were proven not to be what they were first thought to be.

The best conclusion will be an educated and controversial guess - based
on faith - by biblical scholars.  Christian biblical scholars will be
more inclined to believe this is from James, son of Mary and Joseph,
brother of Jesus.  Non-Christian biblical scholars will likely consider
this an unproven matter of faith.

I hope my cynicism and lack of faith will not draw criticism, as I'm
just one scholarly voice amongst many.


Jay Heuman
Visitor & Volunteer Services Coordinator
Joslyn Art Museum
2200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE, 68102
342-3300 (telephone)   342-2376 (fax)

* Etymology: Latin Museum place for learned
occupation, from Greek Mouseion, from
neuter of Mouseios of the Muses, from Mousa
* an institution devoted to the procurement,
care, study, and display of objects of lasting
interest or value; also, a place where
objects are exhibited.