City of Wilmington, Del.
Request for Proposals
Contract #PS02005
Development of a Comprehensive Business Plan for the African American Museum of Delaware
The City of Wilmington and the African American Museum of Delaware Foundation (AAMDF) are requesting proposals for the development of a comprehensive business plan for a start-up, state-wide museum to be located in Wilmington, Delaware.  A detailed Request for Proposal may be obtained at the City of Wilmington, Department of Finance, Office of Procurement and Records, 5th Floor, City/County Building, 800 N. French Street, Wilmington DE 19801 (302-571-4325)
Proposals are due in the Office of Procurement and Records by 5:00 PM, January 8, 2002.
For further information please call Debra C. Martin, Department of Planning, at 302-571-4402. 

E. Richard McKinstry
Andrew W. Mellon Senior Librarian
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
Winterthur, DE  19735
phone: 302-888-4699
fax: 302-888-4870