on 10/8/01 11:36 PM, Kathy Mancuso at [log in to unmask] wrote:

> a journal in the field of visitor studies

In my studies I have found 3 journals, some of which are no longer published.

The first would be ILVS Review: A Journal of Visitor Behavior which was published by Exhibit Communications Research (ERC), Inc. ILVS stands for the International Laboratory for Visitor Studies. This Journal was very hard to find in the Chicago area so my advisor loaned me his to copy. This is no longer being published.

The second is published by the Center for Social Design at Jacksonville State U in Jacksonville, AL. The journal, also hard to find (but a couple of issues were available at the Chicago Botanic Garden), is called Visitor Studies: Theory, research, and practice. The issues I have seen are from the late 80s, but the information may still be useful to you. I don't know if this is still being published.

The third, which I haven't seen is Visitor Studies Today! I got the following information from the Visitor Studies Assn. web site. [http://museum.cl.msu.edu/vsa/publicat.htm]

Visitor Studies Today!
VSA sends out a publication, Visitor Studies Today!, to our membership three times per year. While it is affectionately known as "the newsletter," it is much more. As well as covering VSA activities, Visitor Studies Today! contains articles on current visitor studies research around the world, reviews of books and other resources, and practical information for anyone interest in the visitor experience.

Editor: Kris Morrissey
Production/Design: Loretta Crum

Editorial offices are located at the Michigan State University Museum, East Lansing, MI 48824; phone: 517-353-1943; fax 517-432-2846; email: [log in to unmask].

Subscriptions are available by becoming a member of VSA. 

Lastly I would recommend the book "Visitor Studies Bibliography and Abstracts" 4th ed © 1999, edited by C.G. Screven, Ph.D.  Dr. Screven is my professional advisor and he gave me a copy -- the book is a gold mine of information. My copy has numerous notes, highlights and post-it flags marking all the articles and books that need to be read, have been read, etc.

Good Luck finding the materials you are looking for, if I can help in any way let me know. Also I would like to find out more about the program you are in if you have the time to send a brief e-mail off to a fellow student/complete stranger.

All the best,

Katie Bolinger
Exhibition development and design MA student