Hi Margaret,

I'm sending this off-list because I'm having trouble getting my posts
through to the list at present. If you find it useful, perhaps you would
forward it to the list for me?

You might find the following online paper useful and interesting. It
concentrates on aspects of communication with and for communities. It
was delivered by Prof. Eilean Hooper-Greenhill to the Nordic Museums
Leadership Programme, organised by Museumshøjskolen, the Danish Museums 
Training Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11th and 12th, 2001


A number of other papers are available online and more are on the way
dealing with many aspects of museology and museum professionalism at


I hope this is helpful

Jim Roberts


Jim Roberts Hon FMA 

University of Leicester 
Department of Museum Studies 
+44 (0)116 252 3961 
