On Wednesday, June 13,the Eyedrum Art and Music Gallery will host another
in it's series of presentations on contemporary art and thought.

Richard Gess, Candice Bennett, and Lynn Linnemaier will discuss and
present their work with regard to the ramifications of art production and
reception in the context of the technological visions of the early 21st
century and the consequences for a culture of visual representation.
Where does artistic subjectivity leave off and machinic methodologies
begin? How can we tell the difference and is it even necessary?

Moderated by Robert Cheatham, the evening starts at 8:00.  Join us at
EYEDRUM for a rousing evening of presentations and discussions on current
art and
thought in what might seem to be the coming post-human age(?!).

See you there!

EYEDRUM is located at 253 Trinity Ave. between Spring and Forsyth Streets
 near the Garnett MARTA train station.
 Donations appreciated. Eyedrum is a non-profit alternative art and music
404-522-0655  for appointments and questions . for mp3's, gallery and directions.
We sincerely apologize for duplicates and if you would like off our list let
us know.