Science Educator/Technology Integration Specialist provide
programmatic leadership for a new facility with computer, A/V and
telecommunications technologies in support of environmental
education.  Specialist is responsible for innovative integration of
computer technologies into programs for school groups, teachers and
general public.  Must have B.A./B.S. in environmental science or
science education (M.A. preferred), expertise with a range of
computer technologies, software and hardware,  minimum 3 years
experience in environmental education or public education and desire
to work in a dynamic, growing institution.  Salary low-mid $30K and
generous benefits.  Expanded description www.  Send
letter, resume and names of 3 references to HR, EcoTarium, 222
Harrington Way, Worcester, MA 01604.   Review of applications begins
June 28.  AA/EOE
Carol Lucke
Administrative Assistant
222 Harrington Way
Worcester, MA 01604
ph: (508) 929-2767   fax: (508) 929-2701