Dear Geri,

I recently saw a safe, effective method of packing a photo exhibition that
you might want to consider.

The photos in the show I saw are prints mounted on aluminum panels with metal
cleats verso for hanging.  For packing each panel is attached to a handling

The handling frame is a simple framework of clear pine 1 x 4's consisting of
two vertical bars at the sides and two horizontal cross bars.  The horizontal
bars are positioned so the cleats can be secured (screwed) to them.

Each packing box contains a travel frame into which are packed four to six
such handling frames.  Each travel frame is wrapped in polyethylene.  Your
photos are a bit heavier than the aluminum panels.  You might not want to
pack more than four into a box.

The travel frame rested on ethafome bumpers at the corners and around the
perimeter and lid of the box.

Alternatively, you could forgo the travel frame and stack the handling frames
one atop the other in the box.  You could instead wrap each handling frame in
Velora, a very fine acetate-like material.

The works travelled safely and were quickly unpacked and repacked.

This is no doubt costlier than some variation of a soft-packed-and-crated
solution but if your budget would allow it, and if you envision a tour of the
photos, it may be worth considering it.


Guillermo Alonso
Miami Art Museum