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John Chadwick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Sep 1994 14:43:29 -0600
text/plain (206 lines)
As per the suggestions of some, here is the closest thing to an RFD
(request for discussion) on setting up a gateway to Netnews. With a
gateway, there is no formal RFD. There are 5 steps to take which are
described here. The first step has been taken, no objections from me or the
Listserv administrator. We are now involved in steps 2, 3, and 4. Actually,
step 3 does not apply since there is no museum related discussion group on
Netnews (at least none that I am aware of). The proposed name of the group
For all concerned, if you do not have access to Netnews, you will continue
to receive e-mail postings. Some people associated with Universities prefer
to read Netnews rather than e-mail postings. With a gateway, postings to
the newsgroup will go to the e-mail group.
The reason I have started this process is to provide a service for some of
our subscribers. There will be no loss of service or discussion, and I hope
we gain some new participants who will contribute to the discussions we
have on the list.
--john chadwick
[log in to unmask]
>--------------8<---------------(cut here)---------------8<---------------
>Archive-name: bit/policy
>Last-modified: 1 July 1994
>      ************************************************************
>      *** General Information on Mailing List/Netnews gateways ***
>      ************************************************************
>This document  gives general  information on gateways  between Electronic
>Mailing Lists and Netnews as implemented  in Netnews version 2.5 by Linda
>Littleton  at Penn  State University.  It includes  guidelines on  how to
>establish a new Mailing List/Netnews gateway.
>*** What are Electronic Mailing Lists?
>Electronic Mailing  Lists are controlled  by a software package  called a
>Mailing List Mananger (or MLM). Since  the most widely used MLM is called
>ListServ  many people  refer  to electronic  mailing  lists as  "Listserv
>lists". (Listserv,  which stands for List  Server, is a MLM  that runs on
>VM/CMS, AIX,  VMS, and other  platforms. It is  a product of  LSoft, Inc.
>Write to [log in to unmask] for more information on Listserv.)
>MLMs provide "mail-exploding"  capabilities so that people  with a common
>interest can communicate with each other  by sending mail to a particular
>address (one address per mailing list), which then redistributes the mail
>to each  person "subscribed"  to the  list. Each  person subscribed  to a
>particular list gets a copy of each piece of mail in their mailbox.
>*** What is Netnews?
>Netnews is  a bulletin  board system  in which articles  on a  variety of
>topics are arranged in "newsgroups" and  stored in a shared location from
>which  individual users  can read  them.  These newsgroups  can be  local
>newsgroups, available only at a user's  site, or may be shared with other
>sites to form a world-wide bulletin board system called Usenet.
>*** What does the gateway do?
>The gateway  software (which  is a  built-in part  of the  VM/CMS Netnews
>server from  Penn State) puts  each piece of  mail for a  particular list
>into  a corresponding  Netnews  newsgroup and  also  sends each  Netnews-
>originating posting to the newsgroup  back to the mailing list. Generally
>gatewayed groups  on Netnews are given  the name bit.listserv.<listname>.
>When appropriate, the items in a  mailing list might also be cross-posted
>to a "mainstream" Usenet group.
>*** Moderated or Unmoderated Newsgroup
>The newsgroup gatewayed to a list can be either moderated or unmoderated.
>If it is unmoderated, all posts are immediately accepted in the newsgroup
>and make  their way eventually to  the mailing list. If  the newsgroup is
>moderated the posts  are not accepted in the newsgroup,  but instead sent
>through e-mail  to a  moderator address.  This moderator  can be  a human
>being who decides if the post is  appropriate, or can even be the mailing
>list address  (where, for example, the  list owner may from  time to time
>set the list to  "Send= Private" to limit the mail  coming from Usenet to
>the mailing list).
>Whether the  mailing list is edited  is a separate decision  from whether
>the newsgroup is moderated. Many  unedited mailing lists are gatewayed to
>moderated newsgroups  so the list owner  can impose controls when  and if
>inappropriate posts come from the newgroup to the mailing list.
>*** Why have a gateway?
>The major  reason sites  decide to  carry gatewayed  mailing lists  is so
>their users can read these lists  via shared disks, rather than requiring
>each user to receive each item to their mailbox. In addition, the gateway
>gives greater  exposure and wider readership  to the list since  the list
>can be now be read by users at thousands of Usenet sites.
>*** The gateway can be LOCAL or GLOBAL
>On a per-group basis, the gateway can  be either LOCAL (only users on the
>machine where Netnews  is running will see the Listserv  items) or GLOBAL
>(the  Listserv items  will propagate  to  other Usenet  sites). To  avoid
>problems that can be caused by  multiple sites gatewaying the same group,
>we request that only  a handful of sites set up  global gateways and that
>other sites receive these groups through their normal news feeds.
>                    *******************************
>                    *** AN IMPORTANT PRECAUTION ***
>                    *******************************
>It is  important that  no more  than one site  per list  set up  a GLOBAL
>gateway. If  more than one  site does a  GLOBAL gateway for  a particular
>list,  the list  may get  duplicates  of some  articles. It  is the  list
>owner's  responsibility  to  make  sure there  are  not  multiple  global
>gateways for  the list and to  "signoff" any suspect gateway  site should
>problems start  to occur.  No GLOBAL gateway  should ever  be established
>without the express permission of the list owner.
>In the  event that two  sites did  set up a  global gateway for  the same
>list, here is what might happen. If  a user anywhere on the net posted an
>article to the group via Netnews and the article found its way to both of
>the global gateway  sites, both of these sites would  forward the article
>back to  the mailing list. The  mailing list would therefore  receive two
>copies and although  Listserv will usually detect  the duplicate posting,
>it will return one of the copies to the author with a message saying that
>the post  was a duplicate. Since  the author only posted  once, this will
>cause them some confusion. Also, it  is possible that both posts would be
>distributed to the  list if a MLM other than  Listserv is controlling the
>mailing list.  Netnews would not have  a problem handling this  (since it
>checks message-id's  for duplicates), but  it is  the people who  get the
>items in their mailboxes who would see two copies of the article.
>*** Gateway registration
>In  order to  avoid  problems  caused by  multiple  gateways,  a list  of
>gatewayed newsgroups is maintained by David Lawrence ([log in to unmask]).
>This list is  posted monthly to bit.admin, and copies  are available from
>[log in to unmask] by sending the  command GET NETGATE.GATELIST as the
>first and only line  in the body of a piece of e-mail.  This file is also
>available via anonymous ftp from
>Please consult this list before  establishing a gateway between a mailing
>list and a newsgroup to verify no gateway already exists. If you set up a
>gateway you should have it added to the list by writing to David Lawrence
>at [log in to unmask], or by writing to [log in to unmask]
>*** Setting up the gateway.
>The gateway is set up by  having the Netnews service machine subscribe to
>the mailing list  in the same way  that a subscriber would. The MLM must
>ensure that each post has a unique  Message-ID. If none is present in the
>incoming post, the MLM must add one.  Also, the posts must come from some
>consistent  address in  the  "Return-Path" (generally  OWNER-<listname>).
>With  LSoft's Listserv  these  requirements  can be  met  by setting  the
>FULLHDR option  on (additionally  the NOFILES option  should be  set, and
>NORENEW should be set if the list expires subscriptions).
>*** Guidelines for establishing a Mailing List/Netnews gateway.
>It is the  responsibility of the person requesting the  gateway to do the
>1.  Get  the approval  of  the  mailing  list  owner(s) and  the  MLM
>    administrator at  the host  node. (For  Listserv, send  a "REVIEW
>    listname" command to the Listserv at  the host node for the names
>    and addresses  of the list  owner(s), and a "RELEASE"  command to
>    the same address for the Listserv administor's name and address.)
>    Send them  each a  copy of  this document. If  the list  owner or
>    MLM administrator objects, the gateway is not done.
>2.  Get the approval of the mailing  list readers. This could be done
>    somewhat informally  by posting to  the list and asking  if there
>    are objections.  If the  issue was  controversial, a  formal vote
>    should be held according to the same guidelines as for creating a
>    new Usenet group. If there was no major dissenting opinion a vote
>    will not be needed.
>3.  If there is  a Usenet group where crossposting  would be logical,
>    get the approval  of the people who read that  group (in the same
>    way as approval of the mailing list readers was gotten).
>4.  Post to bit.admin to see if there are any objections. The subject
>    of  the   posting  should   be  "Gateway  for   <listname>  under
>    discussion". Explain  briefly what  the list is  for. If  you are
>    proposing   that  the   list  be   gated  to   something  besides
>    "bit.listserv.<listname>", this should be stated. Again, if there
>    was no major  dissenting opinion within seven days,  a vote would
>    not be needed; otherwise a vote would be held.
>    Steps 2, 3, and 4 can all be done at the same time.
>5.  Write to [log in to unmask] to say  that all of the criteria
>    have been met.  Indicate the gateway site (if you  wish some site
>    besides to be  the gateway), mailing list name,
>    mailing list host node, list  owner(s), and a short (45 character
>    maximum)  description  of  the list.  News-admin  will  establish
>    and/or register  the gateway, and  then post to bit.admin  to say
>    that the gateway is operational.  The subject of the posting will
>    be "Gateway for <listname> operational".
>If  for some  reason  you  cannot follow  the  steps  outlined here  (for
>example, if you do not get the  bit groups, so cannot post to bit.admin),
>write to [log in to unmask] to explain the situation.
>*** Where to address questions
>Questions about Listserv/Netnews  gateways can be posted  to bit.admin or
>sent to [log in to unmask]