Fellows' Science Day 1997
Saturday, February 22, 1997, 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
"Alien Species of the San Francisco Bay-Estuary:
History, Consequences, and Prospects"
On Saturday, February 22, 1997, the California Academy of Sciences
will hold its annual Fellows' Science Day. This year's program
concerns alien species of the San Francisco Bay-Estuary. Nine
principal speakers will present technical and timely summaries of
their work on the history and ecological consequences of the
inadvertent, and the purposeful, introduction of non-native plant and
animal species to the bay-estuary system. These presentations will be
followed by a roundtable discussion concerning management of the alien
species, and the role of science in guiding that management. The
program will include the following speakers and topics:
* Dr. James Carlton, Williams College, Mystic, Connecticut
"Biological invasions in the sea: the global and historical context"
* Dr. Andrew Cohen, University of California, Berkeley
"San Francisco Bay: the invaded Estuary"
* Dr. Michael Barbour, University of California, Davis
"Non-indigenous plant species of the San Francisco Bay-Estuary System"
* Dr. Fred Nichols, United States Geological Survey
"The impact of the introduced Asian Clam, Potamocorbula
amurensis, on the food web of northern San Francisco Bay"
* Dr. Donald Strong, Bodega Marine Laboratory, Bodega Bay
"Spartina and its impact on the ecology of the San
Francisco Bay-Estuary System"
* Dr. Bruce Herbold, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Dixon
Title to be announced
* Dr. Jonathan Geller, University of North Carolina
"Molecular genetic analysis as a means of tracing the
geographical origins of introduced species"
* Dr. Armand Kuris, University of California, Santa Barbara
"Biological control of introduced marine pests"
Roundtable discussion .....
An open discussion between the principal speakers and the following agency
Ms. Brenda Grewell, California Department of Water Resources.
Expertise: rare and endangered estuarine plant ecology and conservation.
Ms. Valerie Van Way, California Department of Boating and Waterways.
Expertise: Control of water hyacinth in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River
Mr. Patrick O'Brien, California Department of Fish and Game.
Expertise: Preventing introduced fish of the Central Valley watershed
from reaching the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.
There is no charge for this symposium.
We cordially invite all Fellows, students, colleagues, K-12 science
educators, Academy Members and interested public to attend and participate
in this Academy event.
This symposium is made possible by the generosity of Fellows annual
giving to the Fellows Fund.
To obtain more information, please contact Patricia Dal Porto:
phone (415) 750-7351, fax (415) 750-7346, email
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