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Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
Kenneth N Owens <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Apr 1996 17:21:36 -0700
Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
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In re citing the Internet, here is a post from the Doc-Talk list.

Kenneth Owens, Director
Capital Campus Public History Program
CSU, Sacramento
[log in to unmask]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 15:03:54 -0800
From:[log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: doc-talk ADVICE>Citing the Internet

                               DEAR DOC-TALK

        Steve Graves asked for a guide for citing from Internet publications.

From: "RALPH WAHLSTROM" <[log in to unmask]>

I'm sending you part of Megabyte University's FAQ.   MBU-L is discussion list
for those of us interested in computers and writing.  Every month an updated
3-file FAQ is sent out.   Item #9 addresses citing electronic information:

9.  How do I cite electronic information?


Author's Last Name, First Name.  "Title of Work." Title of
     Complete Work. [protocol and address] [path] (date of
      message or visit).

--> Published places, like web pages, gopher sites, and ftp sites:

Kehoe, B.P. (1992). _Zen and the art of the Internet_ (2nd. Ed.),
   [Online].  Available WWW (World Wide Web):
   http://whatever.the/address.would/be.html (on the date you found it)
   [This example was taken from Computer Mediated Communication

   * or *

U of Michigan English Department.  _Teacher Resources_, [Online].
   Available via Gopher: (the "last
   revised" date or the date you found it)

--> E-mail messages should be cited as personal correspondence, e.g.:

Flood, Tim.  "Re: why we teach composition."  17 April 1995.  Online
    posting.  Megabyte University ([log in to unmask]).

   * or *

Kolko, Beth.  "Wyoming paper proposal."  E-mail to the author.
    5 April 1995.

   * or *

Wilson, Kim.  "Re: the continuing crisis."  22 April 1995.  Online
    posting.  News group  Usenet.  23 April 1995.

--> MOO, MUD, and other real-time electronic chats.  If you're referring to
a stored transcript of a chat, then you can use the above ftp/gopher/www
citing.  If you are the only person who made a log of a conversation, then
these utterances should be cited as interviews, e.g.:

Taylor, Paul.  Personal electronic interview.  MediaMOO
   ( 8888), 17 April 1995.

--> The new MLA guide is out, and some of the above is from there.
Generally speaking, however, you might refer to:

         INFORMATION. Westport CT: Mecklermedia, 1993.
The Electronic stylesheet constructed and maintained by
Janice Walker and endorsed by the Alliance for Computers and Writing:

        The following source was quoted by a number of readers.

From: [log in to unmask] (Michael I. Lichter)
From: "Leon E. Zimlich" <[log in to unmask]>
From: Scott Kelley <[log in to unmask]>
From: Frances Montell <[log in to unmask]>
From: Joshua R Roebuck <[log in to unmask]>
From: "RALPH WAHLSTROM" <[log in to unmask]>
From: Harries-Clichy Peterson Jr <[log in to unmask]>

         *           A BRIEF CITATION GUIDE FOR           *
                         Melvin E. Page
                 <[log in to unmask]>

                    H-AFRICA <[log in to unmask]>
                        History Department
                  East Tennessee State University

The following suggestions for citations of Internet sources in
history and the historically based humanities are derived from the
essential principles of academic citation in Kate L. Turabian,
*A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations,
*5th ed. (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1987).  I have also
drawn upon suggestions from some of the works listed below.  The
guide has been improved by the students of my Historical
Methods classes at East Tennessee State University and my fellow
H-AFRICA editors whom I thank for their assistance.
    Since the Internet is an evolving institution, this guide is not
intended to be definitive.  Corrections, additions, comments,
suggestions, and criticisms are therefore welcome.  Please address
them to the author at:

                   [log in to unmask]

When the need for revisions and updates become apparent, new versions
of the guide will be issued.

                       Bibliographic Citations

Basic citation components and punctuation

Author's Last Name, First Name.  [author's internet address, if
    available].  "Title of Work" or "title line of message." In
    "Title of Complete Work" or title of list/site as appropriate.
    [internet address].  Date, if available.

The samples below indicate how citations of particular electronic
sources might be made.

Listserv Messages

Walsh, Gretchen. [[log in to unmask]]. "REPLY: Using African
    newspapers in teaching."  In H-AFRICA.  [[log in to unmask]].
    18 October 1995.

World Wide Web

Limb, Peter.  "Relationships between Labour & African Nationalist/
    Liberation Movements in Southern Africa." [http://neal.ctstateu.
    edu/history/world_history/archives/limb-l.html]. May 1992.

FTP Site

Heinrich, Gregor.  [[log in to unmask]].  "Where There Is
    Beauty, There is Hope: Sau Tome e Principe."  [
    pub/local/FAQ/african/gen/saoep.txt].  July 1994.

Gopher Site

"Democratic Party Platform, 1860."  [ Wiretap Online
    Library/civic & Historical/Political Platforms of the U.S.]
    18 June 1860.

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara.  "Making Difference." [
    The Researcher/History/H-Net/H-Amstdy (American Studies)/Essays &
    Discussions About American Studies].  20 July 1995.

Usenet Group Messages

Dell, Thomas.  [[log in to unmask]].  "[EDTECH] EMG: Sacred Texts
    (Networked Electronic Versions)."  In [alt.etext]. 4 February

Legg, Sonya. [[log in to unmask]].  "African history book
    list."  In [soc.culture.african].  5 September 1994.

E-mail Messages

Page, Mel.  [[log in to unmask]].  "African dance...and
    Malawi."  Private e-mail message to Masankho Banda, [[log in to unmask]].  28 November 1994.

                  Footnote and Endnote Citations

Basic citation components and punctuation

    <note number> Author's First name and Last name, [author's
internet address, if available], "Title of Work" or "title line
of message," in "Title of Complete Work" or title of list/site as
appropriate, [internet address], date if available.
    The examples below indicate how citations of particular electronic
sources might be made.

Listserv Messages

    <1> Gretchen Walsh, [[log in to unmask]], "REPLY: Using African
newspapers in teaching," in H-AFRICA, [[log in to unmask]], 18 October

World Wide Web

    <2> Peter Limb, "Relationships between Labour & African
Nationalist/Liberation Movements in Southern Africa," [http://neal.], May 1992.

FTP Site

    <3> Gregor Heinrich, [[log in to unmask]], "Where There Is
Beauty, There is Hope: Sao Tome e Principe," [
local/FAQ/african/gen/saoep.txt], July 1994.

    <4> Sonya Legg, [[log in to unmask]], "African history
book list," in [soc.culture.african], 5 September 1994.

Gopher Site

    <5> "Democratic Party Platform, 1860," [
Wiretap Online Library/civic & Historical/Political Platforms of the
U.S.], 18 June 1860.

    <6> Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, "Making Difference,"
[ The Researcher/History/H-Net/H-Amstdy (American
Studies)/Essays & Discussions About American Studies],  20 July 1995.

Usenet Group Messages

    <7>Thomas Dell, [[log in to unmask]] "[EDTECH] EMG: Sacred
Texts (Networked Electronic Versions)," in [alt.etext], 4 February

E-Mail Messages

    <8> Mel Page, [[log in to unmask]], "African
dance...and Malawi," private e-mail message to Masankho Banda,
[[log in to unmask]],  28 November 1994.

         Additional Source Material on Internet Citations

Dodd, Sue A.  "Bibliographic References for Computer Files in the
    Social Sciences: A Discussion Paper."  [gopher://].  Revised May 1990.  {Published in
    *IASSIST Quarterly*, 14, 2(1990): 14-17.}

Li, Xia and Nancy Crane.  *Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing
    Electronic Information*.  Westport: Meckler, 1993.

University of Chicago Press *Chicago Guide to Preparing Electronic
    Manuscripts: for Authors and Publishers*.  Chicago:  University
    of Chicago Press, 1987.

Walker, Janice R.  "MLA-Style Citations of Internet Sources."
    April 1995.

version 1.1                                           30 October 1995
                 Copyright Melvin E. Page, 1995.
This document may be reproduced and redistributed, but only in its
entirety and with full acknowledgement of its source and authorship.

From: [log in to unmask] (Margaret FalerSweany)

FYI:  This is a several-screens post because it provides samples.

I checked out the URLs last night for a project I'm doing in a journal I edit.
I came across two places that give information on the APA style.
Unfortunately, I could find only one cite for MLA (beyond a brief paragraph)
and none for CBE or ASA.  However, my guess is that the information
provided is basically the same as APA; the order is what is basically
different in the citing.
    Guidance on how to cite Usenet postings when there is no known archive or
the source may "disappear" (a frequent occurance on the WWW) was not
covered well in either of these two sources (APA does do home pages).
However, I have seen it in several publications as:

FORMAT:  Author(s)  (Date of publication/sending).  Title of article. Title
of serial/monograph [type of medium]; volume number (issue number)
pagination [if applicable]; Availability statement.  [Date of accession .]

    Samples are:

Usenet Posting

Stoddard, M.  (1995, March 16).  Re: how do you cite URL's in a
bibliography? (not in FAQ).  comp.infosystems.www.users [Usenet newsgroup].
No archive known.  [Accessed 17 March 1995].

Web Page

Stoddard, M.  (1995, February).  AHSL Educational Services--draft.  [web
page (or home page)].
[Accessed 16 March 1995.]

Internet Resource Locators

Berners-Lee, .  (1994 December).  Uniform Resource Locators (URL).  <URL:>.  [Accessed 15 March 1995].


[This file is the MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources.  It was there
as of 10/31/95 but access was difficult.  It provides a brief history of
the source of the document (1 page) and then provides a one sample of each
of the following: FTP; WWW; TELNET;
MOOS, MUDS, IRCs; Goher sites; E-mail, Listsrvs, and Newslist citations.]

[This file is the APA Publication Manual Crib Sheet and is 28k.  It was
there as of 10/31/95.  It covers introductory information on how to enter
text electronically for papers (useful stuff for people who don't know how
to format text), RULES on  APA style,  And-->  REFERENCE FORMATS both in the
text (including abbreviations within a reference and alphabetizing within a
reference list) and reference list formats for periodicals of about 30 types;
books, pamphlets, unpublished papers, tapes/records & CDs, films; and
electronic materials, including URLs from the www and e-mail from both
listserves and privatecorrespondence.]

[This file is the APA general instructions for Psychology Research Papes
and is 16k.  It was there as of 10/31/95.  It covers the elements of APA
style most commonly misunderstood or omitted by students.  This file is a
supplement to the APACRIB file and some of the information is specific to
the psychology paper.

From: Rick Jones <[log in to unmask]>

Try _Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information_ by Xia
Li and Nancy B. Crane.  Meckermedia, 1993.
    I doubt that it's on-line or they couldn't charge $15 for a 65-page

From: Marlene Evans <[log in to unmask]>

MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Sources, by Janice R. Walker

Citation Style for Internet Sources, by Mark Wainwright

How Do You Cite URL's in a Bibliography? by Jeff Beckleheimer

Suggestions from the LINGUIST Listserv (February 1995)

APA and MLA Citation Styles

From: Jan Howard <[log in to unmask]>

There's an APA style manual "crib sheet" at this web site, which includes
citations from internet sources, as well as other "goodies."

From: "Alice S. Boyd" <[log in to unmask]>

Check your local Barnes and Noble bookstore... they have an excellent
selection of books on the Internet.

From: [log in to unmask] (Robert Christina)

Hope the following is of use.

>Date:         Tue, 25 Jul 1995 15:11:24 EST
>Reply-To: Katie Bailey 904-676-1421 <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: School Library Media & Network Communications
>              <[log in to unmask]>
>From: Katie Bailey 904-676-1421 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:      Re: Citing Internet Sources
>To: Multiple recipients of list LM_NET <[log in to unmask]>
>X-UIDL: 806724078.000
>We used the Electronic Style book to come up with the following examples
>for students to use when citing listserves, e-mail, and newsgroups.  It is
>only our interpretation of the examples in the book and I would be happy to
>hear if any of you have other interpretations.
>Katie Bailey
>Seabreeze High School
>Daytona Beach, FL
>[log in to unmask]
>*******************  **********************  ***********************
>Author of message. (year, month day). subject of message. Electronic
>listserve name [Online]. Available e-mail: LISTSERV@e-mail address
>Jones, K.L. (1995, January 28).  REF: Who was the author?. School Library
>Media & Network [Online].  Available e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
>****In some cases, the message is unsigned. In those instances, use the
>author's login  name in uppercase letters. If there is no author and no
>return e-mail address other than the listserv name, write  NA  in place of
>the author name.
>Author. (year, month, day). Subject of the message [e-mail to recipient's
>name], [Online]. Available e-mail: recipient's e-mail address
>Smith, J. (1995, January 28).  Re: REF: Help with World History project
>[e-mail to John Doe], [Online]. Available e-mail: [log in to unmask]
>Author. (year, month day).  Subject [Discussion], [Online]. Available
>e-mail: USENET Newsgroup: name of group.
>Reynolds, G. (1995, January 28).  Re: REF: Questions about Canada
>[Discussion], [Online]. Available e-mail: USENET Newsgroup:
 Charlene Walker
 Caledonia Sr. Sec.School Library
 3605 Munroe
 Terrace  CANADA V8G 4R6
 eMAIL: [log in to unmask]  (604)635-4187
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