to Marc Pence
As far as I know there is no Code of Ethics for Educators but EdCOM
(AAM's Museum Education SPC) will be reissuing "Standards: A Hallmark in
the Evolution of Museum Education" at the Minnesota Meeting (updated to
reflect Excellence and Equity). While not a code of ethics, it does set
good standards. It first came out in 1990, and can be found in the
Jan/Feb 1990 issue of Museum News.
I will mention a Code of Ethics at our next board meeting - it might be a
good idea. (I seem to recall that the conterversial Code of Ethics that
came out about 5 years ago but was never accepted had a section for
Education, which the old one did not.)
Kathrine Walker, Board EdCOM (Mountain Plaines regional Chair)
Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University