Among the best "crowd pleaser" interactive computer displays I have
seen is the installation at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm. The subject
is naval architecture and decision making on the part of individuals
in the Swedish navy in the 1620's starting at a very simple level (lets
over load and sink the ship) to advanced theory. The computers, I think
three in a row are placed below the bow of the Vasa (the right context)
so that individuals can use them but at slightly over standing eye level
there are three larger monitors that can be seen by passers by.
The individuals using the computers did not seem to notice the others
while small crowds gathered to watch from behind. Very effective and
a choice of languge.
The same museum used the theatrical tradition to develop its exhibits eg
the team included a person called a scriptwriter, designer and director
with of course varying degrees of success. Well worth looking into
since the musuem incorporates traditional and stage set displays that
all seem to work.
Maurice D. Smith,
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston.