I'm giving two 1 1/2 hr. workshops for bilingual teachers k-12 on the topic of
making a museum in their classroom/school. I've done this with 5th graders
before, but this time I'm teaching teachers how to do this. My problem is all
my resource materials are buried in some box somewhere in my storage locker in
VA while I'm in NM. Do any of you have suggestions or materials that you could
send me to help me as I prepare for this workshop? I'm not giving the workshop
until Dec. 7, so there is time for snail mail if you have things you wouldn't
mind xeroxing and mailing to me (bibliography? handout?)
I really appreciate your help! Please E-MAIL ME DIRECTLY as I will be out of
town next week and would hate to miss your messages because they were posted to
the list (I'm going to unsubscribe while away). I'd be happy to post a summary
of what I receive to the whole list if folks want it.
Lisa Falk
7220 Central SE #2033
Albuquerque, NM 87108
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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