We would be happy to join!

Peter van Mensch
Reinwardt Academie

>We have had many useful contacts over the years. The internet now offers
>great opportunities for sharing information. We are placing many of our
>resources on our website, as well as using it for proiding links, for
>example, to terminology sources.
>It would be good to see how we can co-operate.
>David Dawson
>Museum Documentation Association
>>There is an idea in my head I would like to share with you. Do you consider
>>useful to establish close contacts between museum documentation centres all
>>over the world?Let us say via Internet, ICOM -L etc. I believe so. What do
>>you think about it?
>>Krasimir Damjanov
>>Head Moravian Museum
>>Documentation Centre
Dr Peter van Mensch
senior lecturer of theoretical museology and museum ethics
Reinwardt Academie
Dapperstraat 315
1093 Amsterdam
(the Netherlands)

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