Veverka’s Blog for interpreters – 16 December Updates 

Hi folks  - with December weather today and tomorrow being in the 50’s and 60’s I found a selection of climate issues on  the Arctic and Glaciers melting or burning. Also my two IN Climate Issues on “The Big Thaw” and one on “Extreme Weather” are available if you would like them.  Here’s some of the articles in this blog for the 16 December week.  The link below will take you to the blog pages – see how to decorate a Christmas Tree too J

Prof John Veverka
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In this update:
- The Arctic is Melting

- The Arctic Could Be Dominated by Rain Instead of Snow Within   
- Zombie Fires - Arctic Fires Are Melting Permafrost That Keeps        
  Carbon Underground.
-Antarctica's 'Doomsday Glacier' could meet its doom within 3 years.
- Africa’s Last Rare Glaciers May Soon Disappear

- Interpretive Planning Textbooks at the Heritage Interpretation Bookstore.

John V.
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