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**  George Osborne at the British Museum: what do they see in him?

You do not have to recall the former chancellor’s austerity measures with horror to be dismayed; nor even his notorious cuts to the museum sector, pertinent as one certainly hopes they were during the selection process.


**  Artworks Leaving UK As Museums Deal With Cash Shortage

UK museums can hardly try to buy multi-million-pound works of art when they are making large numbers of staff redundant as a result of Covid-19.


**  AAM President On Practicing Empathetic Leadership

After so much isolation and suffering this past year, it comes as no surprise that experts warn of a second pandemic within the COVID-19 pandemic: the current and delayed impacts on mental health, including rising anxiety and depression; our museums have a critical role to play in our communities’ recovery and rebuilding.


**  The Tunnels Beneath Rome’s Colosseum Are Open to the Public for the First Time

In 2018 experts began renovating the hidden system of passageways, so tourists would be able to roam where gladiators and wild animals once prepared for combat.


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**  Fossilized dung from a dinosaur ancestor yields a new beetle species

Curious whether much older, fossilized poop could match the fossil quality of amber specimens, Qvarnström and colleagues used a synchrotron, which generates powerful X-rays, to peek inside a coprolite from Poland.


**  Manchester Jewish Museum reopens after £6m revamp

The museum is housed in a 1874 Grade II*-listed synagogue building, built by Sephardic Jews originating from Spain, Portugal and north Africa, now has a new extension that has doubled its size.


**  ‘Banksy: Genius or Vandal?’ is coming to L.A., and some Banksy fans are not pleased

If Banksy’s not actually giving permission for this exhibition, it means he’s also unable to profit from it — which seems like a full exploitation of an artist’s work.


**  Gainsborough’s Blue Boy to return to UK after 100 years

Thomas Gainsborough’s The Blue Boy, a popular painting that left Britain a century ago to a public outpouring of anger and sadness, is to return temporarily to the National Gallery in London.


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**  How Rick West helped shift the love-hate dynamic between Indigenous people and museums

In this conversation, edited for length and clarity, West took time out of his frantic final days at the Autry to chat about what’s changed in the relationship between Native Americans and museums.


**  Reading Like a Roman - Vergilius Vaticanus and the Puzzle of Ancient Book Culture

Texts of Greek and Roman literature do not usually come down to us in lavishly illustrated editions dating back to what we term classical antiquity.


**  Why Getty Keeps Some Photographs in the Fridge

We keep colour photographs in cold storage when they are not on display; the lower temperatures help keep the dyes stable.


**  Stolen Picasso And Mondrian Works Recovered In Greece

Picasso’s Head of a Woman and Mondrian’s Stammer Windmill, taken from the National Gallery of Greece in 2012 in a seven-minute robbery, were seized in Keratea, a country town outside Athens.


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**  Scientists Use Scans To Determine Whether National Gallery Vermeers Are Authentic

The two paintings are not obvious fakes, indeed, one is considered a masterpiece, but they are unusual in the oeuvre of Vermeer: smaller than his other works, and painted on wooden panels instead of canvas.


**  Dutch Government Makes Big Change In Restitution Of Nazi-Looted Art

Now, in cases where no heirs can be identified, any artwork deemed to have been looted by Nazis will be transferred to an appropriate Jewish heritage institution.


**  How Artists Are Using Tech/How Tech Is Art

The NEA research examines the creative infrastructure supporting tech-focused artistic practices and provides insight into the existing challenges and opportunities faced by artists and organizations working at the intersection of arts and technology.


**  The Thorny Ethics of Displaying Egyptian Mummies to the Public

Mummy exhibits are big draws for museums, but curators are grappling with issues of cultural and racial sensitivity.


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**  Dinosaurs may have already been going extinct before the asteroid hit

There is new evidence that the diversity of non-avian dinosaur species may have been declining 10 million years before they vanished when a large asteroid hit Earth 66 million years ago.


**  Massive human head in Chinese well forces scientists to rethink evolution

The discovery of a huge fossilised skull that was wrapped up and hidden in a Chinese well nearly 90 years ago has forced scientists to rewrite the story of human evolution.


**  The Museum Building an Incubator for Native Food Businesses

The California Indian Museum and Cultural Centre is using a significant USDA grant to reconnect these tribal community members to traditional knowledge and practices, including food ways.


**  Te Papa’s DNA lab celebrates its fifth anniversary

The DNA lab is the only museum-based one in New Zealand; since it opened they’ve steadily grown to have four permanent staff members who regularly use the lab, as well as several contractors.


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**  MCN conference 2021 and "Follow the sun" event

The next Museum Computer Network Conference that will be held online in the fall.


**  New grant scheme for UK's small museums

Funded by National Lottery Heritage Fund, New Stories New Audiences is open to all AIM members in the small museum category


**  Museums Change Lives Awards 2021

The Museums Association is delighted to announce that this year's awards are now open for nominations.


**  Hope for millions after scientists isolate gene that makes people think winking is acceptable

In a breakthrough for humanity, geneticists believe they have found the gene that causes some wretched unfortunates to think that a wink, often accompanied with a quick tilt of the head, is somehow a perfectly reasonable way to communicate with fellow human beings


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