Please find below a link to a survey developed by the Resources Subcommittee of the Materials Selection and Specification Working Group (MWG), a new initiative of American Institute for Conservation's Collection Care Network.

The MWG is a community of collection care, conservation, analytical science, and allied professionals united in developing guidelines and best practices for selecting, evaluating, and disseminating materials used in the storage, transport, and exhibition of collections.  Please see the group's Wiki page which describes our mission, sub-committees, and goals in more detail.  

The MWG group meets annually with the next meeting scheduled for November 2019.  The activity of our working group participants will be directed by the results of this survey so your participation provides critical guidance.  If you are interested in participating in the survey, please do so by April 1.  It should take about 15 minutes of your time.  

We very much appreciate your help with this effort.  If you are interested in participating in other ways with the MWG please email MWG Chair, Becky Kazckowski

Thank you for taking the time to take the survey and please feel free to pass on the survey link to your colleagues!


All our best,

The MWG Resources Subcommittee:

Lisa Elkin (Chief Registrar and Director of Conservation, American Museum of Natural History)

Rachael Arenstein (A.M. Art Conservation, LLC)

Mary Coughlin (Assistant Professor, Museum Studies Program, George Washington University)

Lisa Goldberg (Goldberg Preservation Services, LLC)

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