Basics to Museum Registration (Online Course)

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Course Description:
Through readings, activities, and discussions, participants will learn practical applications of Museum Registration by creating documents used every day in the museum field including: Deed of Gift Forms, Return of Receipts, Loan Agreements, Temporary Custody Forms, Outgoing Object Forms, Movement Receipts, Condition Reports, and Deaccessioning Forms. Quizzes, readings, and the creation of registration documents will serve as the core component of the course and allow participants to immediately put new practices and procedures into daily use.

Learning Objectives:
- Describe the role of the Registrar
- Learn the process of processing incoming collections
- Identify your institution's needs in the registration process
- Compare and contrast the different types of accessions and loans
- Recommend new registration process and procedures to your organization
- Create your Registrar Tool Box to include registration and loan documents and forms

Note: This course is designed for individual participation; each individual must register.


Course Instructor: Elena D. Sanderlin

When does the course start and finish?
This course starts on May 14, 2018. It is an asynchronous online course designed to be completed in 4 weeks. Participants will spend approximately 2 hours each week on viewing lectures, answering quizzes, and completing discussion, reading, and homework assignments. It is recommended that you complete each week's work within that week to stay in sync with other learners.

When is the last day for registration?
May 11, 2018

For more info or to enroll:

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