Dear colleagues: [with apology for cross-posting]


Vigorous recent on-line dialogues revolving around problematic conditions of work in the museum field that cause deep anguish and eventual abandonment of the hopes of some museum workers—both emerging and experienced—for sustainable careers in our industry have identified the dire need for solutions.


The latest post on the Solving Task Saturation for Museum Workers blog: “Museum Workers Leaving the Field: Survey Results & Solutions” found at (and many previous posts since 2012) identifies and documents various avenues open to drive transformative change.


The on-line conversations concerning the departure—both completed and contemplated—of dedicated, excellence-driven museum workers have called for collective actions to begin a movement aimed at repair and improvement of museum working conditions.


I encourage readers to choose one of the blog platforms referenced in the above post and engage as part of the solution(s) needed.


Saying and/or doing nothing to escape the real damage being done to individuals and institutions in our field is no longer a viable option. Let’s get started.


Respectfully yours


Paul C. Thistle

Critical Museology Miscellanea Blog

Solving Museum Worker Task Saturation Blog

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