before i express my profound thanks to you all-my fathers colleagues,i
would like to say that he indeed showed me what commitment to a cause
is.his "passion for cultlure" spanned over the years;from my childhood days!
he used to take me to the national museum here in lagos for several
activities,including escursions etc. through him, i have had the rare
opportunity of meeting some of the greatest visual,and fine artists in
nigeria's history.the likes of late ben enwuonwu, bruce onobrakpeya,etc.
while my classmates read about them in books,i visited them at home,with my

i have on some occassions as well,had close contacts with some of you-his
colleages.i am not suprised at the encomiums being spoken of my father Dr.
Emmanuel Nnakenyi Arinze.i am convinced that he was indeed a highly
respected doyen of culture and arts affairs all over the world.i must point
out that he is who he is because of people like you.

at this juncture,i would,on behalf of the entire arinze family,thank you
all for your support,and contribution to my father's succesful carreer.i
would also seize this oppurtunity to welcome you to his final funeral
ceremony,holding on the 15th of april 2005, here in may contact
me for further details on [log in to unmask]

best regards,

nnamabia arinze.

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