Dear all,
In the last few years we have seen an increasing interest in making
(information about) our cultural heritage available on the Internet. The
recent Google literature initiative has accelerated the process (and
discussion) considerably. However, the Google focus is concentrated on
the traditional content of libraries - printed books. In my opinion the
museum community should consider to use the momentum created by Google
and similar initiatives to promote digitisation and publication of the
huge amount of cultural heritage documentation stored in the collections
and archives in the museums throughout the world.
Dr. Martin Doerr (Chair CIDOC-CRM SIG) pointed me to the following press
releases from the EU commission
"The European Commission today unveiled its strategy to make Europe’s
written and audiovisual heritage available on the Internet."
This is an European initiative while ICOM is international. However, I
think it is important for CIDOC as the museum documentation committee to
have an opinion on this matter. Thus feedback from CIDOC members and
ICOM members in general would be much welcome.
Christian-Emil Ore
Chair, CIDOC
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